Display options of a project

Project >   “Settings” icon in the top right corner of the window. Go to the “Display option” section.

You can choose to display one of the following options on the tasks of a project:

  • Display of start, end, or duration dates on tasks
  • Zoom in on working hours (When and Who views)
  • Display task number
  • Increase display of task status (When and Who views)
  • Only display tasks inside current displayed period (When and Who views)
  • Display project name and labels
  • Project color

Display of start, end or duration dates on tasks

You can choose to display one of the following information on the tasks of the project you are on:

  • The start date of the task.

Display the start date of the task in the project.

  • The end date of the task.

Display the end date of the task in the project.

  • The duration of the task.

Display the duration of the task in the project.

This option applies to all views of the project in question.

Zoom in on working hours

By checking this option, you reduce the display (in the When and Who views) of the planning areas indicated as “not worked” in the project settings. If you schedule a task on an “off” day or time, the size of this task will be reduced.

For more information, see the article dedicated to the hours and days worked for a project.

Note: in general, this option allows you for example to reduce the display of Saturday and Sunday

Display task number

The numbers are incremented as tasks are created. 1 is the first task created in the project, 2 is the second task created in the project, etc.

Display the number of the tasks in your projects.

If you delete a task from the project, its number is deleted at the same time. This means that this number will no longer be assigned to a task in this project.

For example, if you delete the task number 2, the numbering will be changed from 1 to 3 in the project, and there will never be a task number 2 in this project again: the task number is linked to the task, it is a fixed data.

Increase display of task task status

By checking this option, you enforce the display of the color code of tasks in the When and Who views. This color code is used to display the status of tasks according to their schedule:

  • Red: late
  • Orange: in progress
  • Gray: coming soon
  • Green: finished

Only display tasks inside current displayed time period

By checking this option, you only display the tasks that are scheduled in the period that you view in the planning. This allows you to optimize the loading time for large projects.

Display project name and labels

By checking this option, you pin at the top of the project its title as well as the caption of your labels.

Display the labels and the name of the project.

The labels displayed are only those that meet one of the criteria below:

  • Label with customized name
  • Label present on a task (even a completed task)

Project color

For more information, see the article dedicated to project colors.