Change the color of a project

You can change the color of a project at any time.

Choose the color of a project

In your project, click on the Settings” icon in the top right corner of the window (below the user drop-down menu). You will access the project’s settings. Go to the “Display options” section and choose a color, then click on “Apply“.

By default, you can choose from 10 colors.

there are default colors to categorize and customize your projects.

Customize your projects’ colors

With the Enterprise plan, you can add new customizable colors. To do this, click on the   “+”: a color selection window appears. You can make your choice by clicking in the palette or by directly typing the color code. Click outside of the window to validate your choice.

Once the new color is created, it will be added to your color list and available for all your projects.

Select a customized color and choose an action: apply to the project, edit or delete.

You have the possibility to customize your own colors.

Colors of shared projects

When you share a project with other users, the color you have chosen is then displayed by default for these people (custom color or not).

You can change the color of a shared project. In this case, this change will only be visible to you.

In the case of a custom color, if you change the initial color of a shared project and you do not benefit from the Enterprise plan, you will no longer have access to this color thereafter.